Muses' Four Hands Piano: Iliriana Gjoni & Rea Veizi
Muses brings to the public some of the most compelling melodies written for four hands. They represent special places, important moments and meaningful memories as an inspiration to the composers who created them. Pianists Iliriana Gjoni and Rea Veizi bring together friendship and music in this four hands recital, which aims to take the public inside Faure's, Debussy's, Brahms's, Mozart's and Dvorak's world.ILIRIANA Gjoni was born in Montenegro's southernmost city of Ulqin/Ulcinj. Following the aftermath of the Balkan wars and eager to find an authentic outlet for her imagination, she enrolled as a first-generation student at her local music school. The piano soon became her best friend and safe haven, a place where she could explore her freedom away from the political divisions and national segregations brought up by the war. In this context, Iliriana embarked on a rich adventure. Following an inspiring professor that had recently returned from the Moscow Conservatoire, she...
Muses' Four Hands Piano: Iliriana Gjoni & Rea Veizi
Art Base
29 Zandstraat
1000 Brussel
Telefoonnummer: 02 217 29 20 - Reserveren is aangeraden
Tarief: 15
Publiek: Elk type publiek
Zondag : van 17:00 tot 19:0019 januari