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Deep Thought: On kinder sex

Social norms, including sexual norms, are socially constructed. They are our collective inventions and tacitly accepted conventions. There were times in European history, not so long ago, when the sight of bare ankles might have sent pulses racing. Today we are less easily impressed. Where the Church once held regulatory power over our bonking, modern appetites are rather more readily shaped by commercial strategy. Commercial determinants of human desire vary vastly, spanning from mass cultural products such as music, film and literature, to advertising and not least, pornography. Power over our sex lives is advantageous for some and less so for others, as in other eras throughout history.While it's hardly a social taboo to talk about our sexual appetites, it's nevertheless difficult to critique contemporary sexual norms without appearing puritanical. As women, we are no prudes. We discipline our bodies, starving our appetites and plucking out our body hair, in the name of...

Deep Thought: On kinder sex

Full Circle House
Vleurgatsesteenweg 89
1050 Elsene
Telefoonnummer: +32 2 644 37 7 - Reserveren is niet nodig

Tarief: 10Eu, 15Eu, 20Eu
Publiek: Vanaf 14 jaar
Internet: https://fullcircle.eu/event-5875463
Zaterdag : van 17:00 tot 19:0016 november
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