Duo Verdún-Ciavattini: Argentina Traditional Music
Charangos, saxophone, bass clarinet and Andean flutes are the many musical instruments played by the Argentinian duo formed by Damián Verdún and Mauro Ciavattini: these virtuoso musicians of their instruments revisit the traditional repertoire of their country with originality, adding their own compositions blending influences from jazz and classical music. Considered one of the most innovative groups on the Argentine popular music scene today, the duo released their latest album in December 2023 (Trotamundos) Damián Verdún, from Rosario (Argentina), has released several albums with his solo project, as well as an album with the duo Verdún-Ciavattini. He has taken part in over 100 productions by national and international folk, song, rock and pop artists. He has taken part in concerts and recordings with leading folk music artists, and has toured extensively in Argentina, South America and Europe. He teaches charango at the Escuela de Música Popular de Avellaneda (Buenos Aires), at...
Duo Verdún-Ciavattini: Argentina Traditional Music
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