The Green Transition - Promise & Pitfalls
Responding to global warming is phrased as a problem of transition. In speaking of a green or a just transition, policy-makers appropriate a concept previously used to describe a variety of societal changes, notably in the 1990s to evoke movement from communism towards liberal democracy and a market economy in Eastern Europe. The concept of transition carries an alluring promise of peaceful change that can be guided to completion by elites. In its suggestion of linear movement towards a new state of equilibrium, it encourages the definition of the challenge as a technocratic response - rather than something foundational, requiring wholesale societal reorganization. Transition in the 1990s was such a foundational reorganization, and it came with a large democratic mandate. Neither applies today. What is the cost of mislabelling the greatest challenge of our time? How could we frame our climate change response so that its both impactful and just? Join us for a purposeful...
The Green Transition - Promise & Pitfalls
Full Circle House
Vleurgatsesteenweg 89
1050 Elsene
Telefoonnummer: 026443777
Tarief: 10Eu, 15Eu, 20Eu
Publiek: Vanaf 14 jaar
Zaterdag : van 12:30 tot 14:0030 november