Voorstellingen > Theater, Cabaret...
You'll Never Laugh Alone
You'll Never Laugh Alone is a fundraising on behalf of "De Warmste Week". It consists of two consecutive parts.A Short Story Long, 90 min of improv in English with players from DeepFried, puinhoop and Turbina. Thanks to many sideways, a short story becomes a long story with a lot of depth.Bits of Humanity, 90 min of comedy in English. During this performance, Thomas Koreman wonders whether technology will kills us. Expect dry humor, absurdity and crowd work.
You'll Never Laugh Alone
Zaal Zirkus
Zirkstraat 36
2000 Antwerpen
Telefoonnummer: 0496757310 - Reserveren is niet nodig
Tarief: 25 euro
Publiek: Elk type publiek
Internet: https://be.ticketgang.eu/orgFrameSaleNew.php?org=484375&event=153267&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR010av5njjOnN1PBeZnpL3q2yB936S1vdl0wFGF2vZ4wLIJTDGV6CRKZJw_aem_7e9A6CUkQEqfcFYZ-iBOFA#
Zondag : van 14:00 tot 18:0022 december