Teicha: The First Tea Ceremony as a host

Teicha: The First Usucha hakobi Temae

Those who have experienced being a guest in a tearoom such as Introductory lesson and discovery
and are interested in the next stage - serving tea as a teishu(host of the tea ceremony)
are encouraged to join.

You will again enjoy a bowl of light matcha and sweets as a guest.
And after learning the gestures involved in serving a bowl of light matcha,
you will actually serve a bowl as a teishu.

After this session, you are welcome to join the regular course.
Saian Tea Ceremony at Enkidu Asbl
Squar Baron Alfred Bouvier 6
1060 Sint-Gillis
Reserveren is niet nodig
Vanaf 10 jaar
Saian Ansyu (06/09/2024)

Maandag: van 15:00 tot 16:00 en 18:00 tot 18:30
Zaterdag: van 13:00 tot 14:30 en 16:00 tot 17:30

14 oktober


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