The Bridge's Summer School

The Bridge Theatre Summer Workshop is brought to you by The Bridge Productions Asbl.

The Summer Workshop is five days of incredible performing arts tuition in English. Between 9.30am and 4.45pm, young people will have tuition in singing, acting and dance from leading theatre professionals. Each day will begin at 9.30am sharp, so please make sure your child arrives on time.

Each day will include a 45-minute supervised lunch break. Adults will be present at all times. Please note that we do not provide food.

The week will end with a performance of ca. 1 hour. The performance will take place at the the workshop location at 16.00 on the final Friday. Parents and friends are welcome to attend! Guests are limited to two per child for the moment. After the performance, there is a chance to say goodbye to new friends at our farewell party.

Groups will be no larger than 20 people to ensure everyone receives sufficient attention and tuition. Groups will be mixed ages, although we will tend to group seniors with seniors and juniors with juniors.

Our Summer Workshop will be run in English. However, we welcome a mix of language backgrounds and we understand that each child will have a different confidence level in English. All of our tutors are super friendly and understanding of this. Should you have any concerns about the level of your child's English, please do get in contact.

Our week will be fun and rewarding and hard work. We are really excited to bring the Summer Workshop to Brussels and we look forward to welcoming your child!
Grootgodshuisstraat 7
1000 Brussel
Reserveren is verplicht
van 10 tot 18 jaar
Edward McMillan (29/06/2024)

Maandag: van 9:30 tot 17:00
Dinsdag: van 9:30 tot 17:00
Woensdag: van 9:30 tot 17:00
Donderdag: van 9:30 tot 17:00
Vrijdag: van 9:30 tot 17:00

Van 19 tot 23 augustus


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