Zlata Balkan Gypsy Group Siberia, Carpathians, Balkan

The dream of a young woman with nomadic feet and a Slavic soul who has been making music since her earliest childhood following the classical stream…
One day, her ancestors whisper to her the way to go to get closer to her roots and give wings to her voice: she releases the grain that was sleeping there, takes off her shoes and dresses in flamboyant dresses!
On her way, she meets two musicians from the Balkans and together they give life to Zlata whose gypsy melodies leave from Siberia, cross the Carpathians and twirl above the Balkans, in a passionate and communicative trance!

Elena Bourenina (singer)
Vladimir Ilic (accordeon)
Branko Jovanovic (guitar- singer)

Art Base, Thursday 7/1 15E ( reduced 10E for students under nd jobseekers),
ue des Sables Zandstraat, 1000 Bruxelles. For reservations & more info to www.art-base.be
Art Base
29 Zandstraat
1000 Brussel
Elk type publiek

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